Gen Bajwa has admitted to toppling PTI govt, claims Imran

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan claims former army chief Gen (retd) Qamar Bajwa has admitted to overthrowing the PTI government through the PDM.


n an exclusive interview with Voice of America Urdu, when Mr Khan was asked if he’d be contesting the next elections against the PML-N or the establishment, he said right now they were all on the same page and had together toppled his government.

“Gen Bajwa has even admitted to a journalist to toppling our government and given reasons for that. He has now admitted to ‘regime change’. Despite all of them sticking together before and after our government, we defeated them in 32 by-polls out of 36. It appears that again they will all contest the polls together against us,” he asserted.

Demand for elections

Imran said his only demand was free and fair elections.

“Free and fair is not possible, but elections are. The caretaker set-up in Punjab and KP are the most biased in the country’s history – they have appointed all their favorite officers and policemen to rig the polls. If elections are held in these two provinces, that make 66 percent of Pakistan, general elections will have to be held.”

The PTI chief further said he believed Gen Bajwa’s policies were still in force within the establishment.

On being asked if the former army chief should be tried under Article 6, Imran said action should be decided from within the army.

“People already knew the then army chief had toppled our government,” he claimed.

Rise in terrorism

Responding to criticism that his policies of appeasement of the Taliban caused a rise in terrorism, Mr Khan reiterated that his government wanted to resettle 40,000 to 50,000 TTP fighters and their families after the Afghan Taliban took over next door to avoid a fallout on Pakistan.

“But our government was overthrown. The incumbents did not pay attention, and now we’re bearing the brunt. People, esp in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, are scared that history may repeat itself,” he regretted.

Imran also blamed the “regime change backed by the army” for the country’s present crises.

‘Jail Bharo’ to fight fascism

Calling is recently announced ‘Jail Bharo’ movement a “jihad”, the former premier claimed fascism was being imposed on the country.

“Political workers were never tortured so much, not even in martial laws. I was strictly opposed to Gen Musharraf, but such fascist tactics, rights violations, torture, illegal cases were never seen before. So we thought we have two choices – violent or non-violent protest. So we decided to do this non-violent ‘Jail Bharo’ movement to expose them,” he explained.

Furthermore, Imran alleged the PDM was trying its best to keep him away from elections.

“If I’m arrested, will they be able to bear the fallout?”

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