A perspective 5th of February is a day since 1989, that the GOVERNMENT & PEOPLES OF ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN are showing theirs strengths and solidarity with the PEOPLES OF JAMMU KASHMIR that the RIGHT OF SELF DETERMINATION guaranteed by the UNCIP resolutions should be restored by implementing the UN resolutions;

In this perspective
We must recall that it’s the tireless endeavour of ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN that the GOVERNMENT OF Pakistan
Pleaded the case of KASHMIRI Peoples in the SECURIY COUNCIL OF UNITED NATIONS;
on 5th January 1949, UNCIP passed one of its resolutions. Whereby
it reaffirmed its earlier Resolutions granting rights of self-determination to the Peoples of Jammu and Kashmir,
the earlier Resolutions were of 17th Jan’48 20th Jan’48 21st Apr’48 3rd June’48 13th Aug ’48.
All of the aforementioned resolutions were subsequently reaffirmed by UNSC & UNCIP on 29th July ’49 14th March’50 30th March ’51 10th Nov’51 24th Jan’57 21st Feb’57 2nd Dec’57 .
We must be mindful of the fact that the United Nation failed to implement its pledges due to the influences of Indian lobbing at the international level and India being a strategic partner of #US has utilise the US influences in her favour.
Our beloved Pakistan couldn’t manage its lobbying at the international level so as to get the UN resolutions implemented
One of the darkest times in history was that instead, the former Prime Minister of Pakistan,
Mr Imran Khan agitating the matter in #UN ,
he met the President of #US Mr Trumpet in July ‘2019 and accepted his offer of ARBITRATION on settlement of Kashmir dispute with India.And at this time
the former Minister of 🇵🇰
#ImranKhan forgot the fact that the USA is a strategic partner of india in Asia. And that USA has always protected the interest of India
The offer for ARBITRATION by the then Prime Minister, in fact fact encouraged Indians and Resultantly
the Indians by committing another illegal act and violating UN resolutions while destroying the Special Status of JAMMU KASHMIR, included the STATE OF JAMMU AND KASHMIR in to INDIAN UNION TERRITORY
on August 5’019 and usurped the occupied part of Jammu Kashmir forcibly while turning it into a big jail,
Since then, the Indians atrocities in Jammu Kashmir have become the routine of the day.
Except few countries being members of #UNSC
No one is condemning the Indians illegal immoral acts and atrocities in
Jammu Kashmir
We, the peoples of Kashmir or the government of Pakistan, as well as Peoples of Pakistan couldn’t assert or strive to attract the international community towards the suffering of the peoples of Kashmir
for the reason that on the one hand, we do not have sufficient lobbing at the international community
And on the other hand we did not have a unity amongst our ranks as well as did not have a clear and Uniform policy with regards to the restoration of the THE RIGHT OF SELF DETERMINATION of the peoples of the STATE OF JAMMU KASHMIR
We couldn’t assert our FREEDOM MOVEMENT based on the UNCIP resolutions by placing our case before the international community.
Another sad state of affairs is that we are not understanding the Art 370 of Indian Constitution and the objects for which the aforesaid Article was incorporated in the Indians Constitution by violating the UN resolutions which were accepted by Indians
THE other sad state of affairs are that’s the Peoples of JAMMU KASHMIR are divided amongst themselves in terms of ideologies as to whether the state of JAMMU KASHMIR would be independent
or it would accede to PAKISTAN?
Many Kashmiris and its organisations are propagating there’s respective points of view within Pakistan and outside Pakistan
without putting any pressure upon the international community to implement the #UNSC resolutions with regards to rights of self-determination Everyone amongst Kashmiris ranks are criticising one
another. And force is ineffective being divided
So we, the people of Kashmir, as well as the Government of Pakistan, must accept and be mindful of the fact that the people’s of Jammu Kashmiris are divided amongst themselves in terms of ideologies.
History shows that
divided people cannot be granted any respect or rights whatsoever, including any right based on pledges of international community
Till now, we have lost to a great extent .
We the people’s belonging to STATE OF JAMMU KASHMIR living on both sides of Control lines, i.e.,
The population constituting of AZAD GOVERNMENT OF STATE OF JAMMU KASHMIR ,
must show unity amongst our ranks, keeping aside all of the differences in terms of ideology
and endeavour for implementation of UNSC resolutions for the RIGHT OF SELF DETERMINATION in letter and spirit. Today on SOLIDARITY DAY OF THE PEOPLES OF PAKISTAN with the Peoples of JAMMU KASHMIR We recall that in order to implement the UN resolutions,
the GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN, while extending its solidarity with the PEOPLES OF JAMMU KASHMIR should take practical and effective measures at international level for the restoration of the THE RIGHT OF SELF DETERMINATION of the peoples of JAMMU KASHMIR.

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